
  • Learn how to setup multiple store, store locations and multiwarehouse.

  • Create and Modify Locations

    When running an online business on Shopify, it is considered essential to have locations that are accessible for the customers to reach your products easier. Here with our function, you can easily create your new, customized, unique location for your online Shopify store and you can also modify it based on what you like your store’s locations to turn out.

  • Export Inventory

    If you want to create a template with your uniquely identified products or maybe product variants for particular locations, of if you want to export your store inventory quantities to use later in other systems, you could always export a CSV file on Shopify.

  • Import Inventory

    In the previous post, I’ve talked about exporting inventory, now it’s time to talk about how to import your inventory. Before importing your inventory, it is important that you make sure your CSV file is saved in the right format.

  • Set Priority Locations For Fulfilling Orders

    You need to set the priority of locations for fulfilling orders for your Shopify store.

  • Change Fulfillment Location

    If you want to fulfill an order from multiple different locations with the assigned one, you can make changes in the fulfillment location. The locations can let you select a place you want to fulfill your orders. In addition, you also need to remember that when your orders are stocked at your locations, changing the fulfillment location for this order is unavailable. Hence, in this writing, you will be shown how to change the fulfillment location on Shopify on Desktop, iPhone, and Android. Learn more about Shopify Geolocation Apps

  • Deactivate and Reactivate Locations

    After creating locations for your Shopify account, you can comfortably use the created locations for fulfulling orders from customers. But after a while, the locations can be no longer in need for a period of time, or furthermore, permanently. In that situation, you might want to deactive your owned locations permanently or just for a while, and then reactive it again. It seems to be a long and comlicated session, but with Shopify, we can help you to do that with just some simple steps.

  • Delete Locations

    In your Shopify online store, when a location is no longer in use, you can deactivate it if you still think of reusing it in the future, or delete it permanently if that location is not useful anymore. Before deleting any location, you still have another change to rethink about it as Shopify requires you to deactivate the location before permanently delete it.

  • Select Shopify POS Location

    In case you are having lots of locations, only the items stocked at the assigned location of the Shopify POS device are available for selling. Take note that the inventory count of the assigned location is updated when each product is restocked or sold on Shopify POS device. In this article, you will be shown how to select a Shopify POS location without having any trouble.

  • Change the List of Locations that Stock a Product

    When running an online business on Shopify, you will have to create locations in order to the customers to get the products delivered. Any changes made with a location will also immediately change the inventory quantity of the products attached with the location. From the list of locations that stock a product, if you remove any of those locations, the inventory quantity will be deleted along with the location. In any circumtances where you want to change the list of locations, you better consider it thoroughly.

  • Change Locations of Stock Products by Using Bulk Editor

    In your Shopify online store, products’ stock and locations share a mutual relation in the orders allocation field. In order to arrange your online store in a better way, matching the products’ stock and the location that can help assigning the order is a step that you can not miss.

  • Change Inventory Quantities At A Location For Selected Products

    When running a Shopify online business, products quantity updating is one of the most essential step for your store to keep the customers informed and to manage your business condition better. If a product is purchased from a location, it will obiviously leads to the change in the inventory of the product at a specific location that being used to stock the product. Updating your products’ inventory quantities does not only help you to manage your online store better, but also makes it more convenient for the customers to order and receive the products they want as soon as possible.

  • Change Inventory Quantities By The Same Amount For All Products

    Managing the inventory quantities of all of your products is such an exhausting work. With each specific product, you will have to enter its own inventory details page, scroll to find its quantity managing section, type the available stock, check it again for several times, and repeat those long and tiring steps over and over again.

  • Change Inventory Quantities Using Bulk Editor

    Inventory changing is usually one of the most time consuming and tiring work to do when runnign a online store, but with the life-changing functions from Shopify, that hardship is completely removed.

  • Change the Inventory Quantity For One Product

    In your online business, the inventory quantities changing session may changes based on how much products you want to do some actions on at once. If you want to change more that one product’s stock at once, you will have difficulty finding them at first and will have to filter or search the products in order to catch up with them. With only one product, that work is not needed but you still have to do some extra steps based on whether your wanted product has variants. Read our review on Best Shopify Inventory Management Apps

  • Use Myip.ms for Shopify

    If you tend to launch an eCommerce venture, you had better check some of the most popular Shopify websites. In this article, you will be instructed on how to use Myip.ms for Shopify; hence, you should not miss out on this.