General Shopify Guides for Developers
Link to related posts on a blog
The content of an online Shopify shop plays an important role to increase the traffic as well as the number of customers coming to the stores. Although the fact that blogging does not bring direct sales for Shopify sellers, the content of a shop is what all customers firstly approach. Moreover, the blogs can boost the store’s SEO, as well as increase the customer’s engagement to make more purchases. The rank in Search Engines will help the store owners to have more and more potential customers.
Control flow statements in liquid
Let’s imagine that you are owning a cupcakes list on your Bakery Store sites and it is about time you had better take advantages Liquid to display a subset of those cupcakes. It means that you can easily control the content displayed on the page using Liquid. In this article, you will be shown ways on how to control flow statements in Liquid.
How to create the posts in Markdown and publish them as a blog
Although Markdown has just been launched since 2004, this syntax is a working tool for the users to create articles easier by converting text to valid HTML. Considered as one of plain-text syntax, Markdown is the effective working tool for not only writers but also editors because this HTML language can be converted to many output formats and support HTML.
How to edit string variables in Liquid
Considered as useful tool for Website designers, template language can combine static content on multiple pages. Furthermore, with this amazing invention, it is possible for the developers to re-use the static data defining page’s layout. Instead of being writing in HTML as static elements, the dynamic ones will be written in Liquid.
How to link to the next and previous posts on a blog
Blog posts are the popular context with any Shopify store owners because it brings the content or soul for their stores. Every post has its own file with its unique name. Blog posts are marked with the date when the post was and when they will be published. Moreover, the title and extension also play an important role in Blog posts. This tool will be a bridge to connect to the Shopify stores to their potential customers.
How to convert Jekyll data to JSON
This is a question frequently asked if you want to have a lightweight format for storing your content. Jekyll is a simple and extensible site generator as well as interacts greatly with JavaScript, a programing language for your website. Although Jekyll is a great tool for you to manage your blogs, portfolios on your site, when your content grows, Jekyll would run slower. Therefore, you have intention of converting Jekyll datato JSON a markdown data and well-interacted with JavaScript.
How to use Liquid in Jekyll static site generator
Known as a static site generator, Jekyll is an outstanding tool for the Shopify store owners to create a website’s content. By merging templates with content files, Jekyll can allow the users to use Liquid and to add any objects, tags, and filters. While objects represent content pages, filters help manipulate strings, URLs and tags include snippets of content in others.
Build URLs on your site
As a shop owner, you must really concern about the way to SEO your site effectively. The first step you can do this is that you need to set up URLs to make it friendly with the search engine.
How to build Jekyll on your site
One of the best tools for the website developers to build powerful serve on their own computer is Static Site Generators. This is considered as a new and hybrid approach in an emerging ecosystem. With dynamic-like functionality, the static sites are fast , secure and cheap with the service cost like Amazon S3. Moreover, it is totally scalable with the very little server resources. The way that Static Site Generators works is different from other HTML-containing web pages, it also includes CSS and Javascript. However, the users will not feel so strange with its appearance because it looks like any individual file which is stored on a computer.
How to set up Jekyll on Linux
Installed easilly with simple steps, Jekyll is a Ruby Gem that the users can find available in different systems such as Linux. With several requirements such as the Ruby’s version from 2.2.5 or above or installing the GCC and Make.
How to set up Jekyll on Mac OS X
Mac OS X, which is In this installation guide we’ll be using 10.11 El Capitan. These instructions should work for older versions of OS X but they have not but tested. OS X El Capitan (version 10.11) is the twelfth major release of OS X (now named macOS), Apple Inc.’s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. It is the successor to OS X Yosemite and focuses mainly on performance, stability, and security.[2] Following the Northern California landmark-based naming scheme introduced with OS X Mavericks, El Capitan was named after a rock formation in Yosemite National Park, signifying its goal to be a refined version of Yosemite.
How to set up Jekyll on Windows
Running Jekyll brings the online sellers a lot of benefits, the Shopify store owners can have flexibility to customize to build the website. Moreover, the content can be specified in a _config.yml or _config.toml file which are placed in the root directory, which allows the Shopify store owners to design their website on their own.
Some things to know about Jekyll's file structure
If the site developers want to have a flexible and customizable tool to build a website, Jekyll is the best choice. With the open-source, the Shopify store owners can use this effective generator static site without paying any cost. With Jekyll, the website content which can be built in Markdown or Textile and Liquid templates.
Use the front matter editor
That editing the variables and content always takes a great deal of time for editors to do their best. Therefore, they are looking for some tips to cut down the time spent on editing. In other words, they can take advantage of these tips to have a better experience for their working. This writing provides you with some tips to use the front matter editor. With the front matter editor, editing has never been easier.
Embed a YouTube video on the Jekyll site
It’s such a great idea to display a Youtube video on your site. The audience tends to be attracted by watching inspiring videos rather than reading lots of words and images. In addition, you embed a video on your site brings you plenty of benefits. This helps you to take advantage of the space of your site and make it the most eye-catching. You can also cut down on the content traffic but still have a positive effect on visitors. It’s highly recommended that you should choose Youtube to host the video on your site because Youtube is a place to store billions of videos with many different topics. Especially, it’s totally free and reliable. One more remarkable thing makes everyone loves it is that the speed of loading video is super fast.
Embed a Google Map on the Jekyll site
This writing is going through how to embed a Google Map on the Jekyll site. But first, I will tell about some of the incredible benefits Google Map brings to you and the way to make use of those ones in the most optimized way. As you who establish and maintain your own website, you can take advantage of two intelligent features from Google map.
Minimize file requests by using includes for SVGs
Currently, the social network is developing super fast and the number of social network users is countless. They often have the habit of sharing information or products they like on social networks. Therefore, to advertise a website effectively, social network icons are an indispensable element. The best place for you to place social network icons is at the foot of the page. Because placing them at the top or the middle of the page will lose customers’ focus on the products and services you provide. Hence, the Footer is an appropriate choice for social networking icons that does not cause loss of concentration, making the website more clear and beautiful.
Hide the add to cart button
As a shop owner, you might want to hide the add to cart button sometime. For example, if the product is not currently for sale, you can’t sell it to your customers. Or else, in case the item is made to the order, you don’t expect the button to be shown again to who have already ordered it. In addition, you can do this for some other reasons to suit your need. Below is a step-by-step instruction for you to hide the add to cart button in the easiest way.
How to view data from CSV, JSON, or YAML files in Liquid templates
Data file is a familiar technical term for technical developers. The data file can be understood as a computer file which contains data used by a computer application or system including input and output data. There are two ways to look at the data file.
How to export all data from a data file
You have a lot of information and you want to put all the data into one file. The fact that put details into one big category will help you to have better management. When you want to find something, you just need to open the relevant to filter out what you need. Therefore, this article will instruct you to export all data from a data file.
How to handle navigation menus in Jekyll
You have your own website such as blog or web page and you use a static format namely Jekyll. Jekyll sites usually creates a lot of pages for your web, therefore in order to have a better management for your page, you need to create the navigation. Normally, website is coded hard-coded links and soft-coded links. Instead of using hard-coding links, you can programmatically take back a lot of pages to install navigation for your site. However, another method that code developers can use is creating data file, in other words, advanced navigation. Under this method, items are stored and controlled in a central file. Besides, it is beneficial for larger sites than using simple navigation. This article would introduce you the first way to navigate your pages by using YAML data source.
How to insert comments to your posts and other pages using Disqus
Considered as the best tool for blogging, Jekyll is a popular static site generator that is useful for the Shopify store owners to contribute their website with the extremely fast speed. In detail, this static site generator does not have or use any database so it can maximize the website’s speed. By using Jekyll, the online sellers have a lot of advantages as well as the ability for the users to comment like WordPress. Moreover, Jekyll also allows the users to use a 3rd party library to complement.
How to insert Google Analytics to your Jekyll blog
One of the outstanding products of Google is Google Analytics Solutions which allows the users or sellers to track and report about website traffic. With this amazing tool, the Shopify store owners can discover who coming to their website, what they are watching to, how they are using their website. Based on the patterns of the buyers, the online sellers can choose the content which can be the most popular or based on the location, shipping method or even an order to create competitive advantages.
Insert an email link or contact form
As I’ve mentioned in the writing about how to hide the add to cart button, after you’ve done it, you can replace the button with an email link or contact form. This will increase the interaction between you and your customers. In addition, you won’t miss any prospect who intent to buy your item. Your customers will use the email or the contact form to contact you, ask about when the product will be for sale again or other information. Follow the below steps to insert an email link or contact form in an effortless way.
How to modify theme's JavaScript file
Every time the web designers could have displayed static information which includes interactive maps, animated graphics, or video. Besides, the online store owners enable configuring their theme codes to make most of the files containing Liquid or Shopify’s templating language. All these theme files include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
How to search a variant ID
Added to represent one version of a product, a variant it will be an effective tool to customize theme codes. Furthermore, the capacity of its options for each product can be a maximum of a hundred variants. Besides, with a sequence of numbers, the Shopify store owners could follow their inventory.
List all posts on your site
How can Jekyll be defined?
List all posts with full content
It’s common to display a list of posts on your homepage so that your customers can easily catch sight of all of your posts in different topics. If you want to make this list on your own page, you have to read carefully this instructional writing on How to list all posts with the full content to get more information.
List all the posts on your site by category
It’s common to show a list of posts arranged by categories on your homepage so that your customers can easily see all of your posts in different topics. It is essential for you to read carefully this instructional writing on How to list all posts on your site by category if you want to make this list on your own page.
List all the posts on your site by tag
So as to help your customers easily see all of your posts in different topics, you need to show all of your posts right on your website, along with their tags. It is really important for you to read carefully this instructional writing on How to list all your posts on your site by tag if you want to make this list on your own page.
List all the posts on your site by year
In order to help your customers easily see all of your posts in each year, you need to show all of your posts right on your website and arrange them in multiple years. It is really important for you to read carefully this instructional writing on How to list all your posts on your site by year if you want to make this list on your own page.
How to set variables using front matter on your site
Website developers acknowledge that front matter is important to upload information on the front page. Obviously, there are a lot of methods that you can use to arrange variables in one page, of all those methods, front matter is a pretty simple one you can think of. The tutorial today will explain briefly about front matters and guide you to set variables using front matter.